Pilings & Ramps
Pilings are the foundation of your floating or fixed dock. They serve as part of the structure or as the anchor to keep your dock in place. They are typically sourced from wood (larch) or a more permanent piling made of steel. New, environmentally friendly composite pilings are becoming available. The length of your piling is dependent upon your site, though the diameter is often 12" or better.
Ramps and Gangways are more than just the bridge between your dock and your land - they are a statement. Clients often request ThruFlow™ material that is comfortable for the grandkids feet, custom railings, or matching decking to set the stage for your lake dock experience.

UHWM Bumper Hoop
No one is fond of the sound of chain and ring singing in the waves. Additionally, chains grate on wood pilings overtime, increasing wear and tear. We recommend installing bumper hoops! They are nearly silent and hold your dock steady.
Ramps improve access to your dock, by providing a pathway from shore. Our Ramps installation may include shore-side anchors and pads to solidify the installation; we will even help you make a plan for winter storage. Chose handrails and design details for the perfect ramp!
Pilings are a core stabilizing feature in all dock and pier projects. Whether you need to replace aging pilings or implement a new dock anchoring system, we have what you need! We offer both wood and steel pilings and can work in a great many underwater terrains!
Ramps and gangways are highly individualized to the property and owner. They are commonly made from wood or aluminum with wood or polypropylene decking panels such as ThruFlow™. Single, double or no handrail options are available.
The length and support of the ramp/gangway varies by site.